Roberto “Saku” Cinardi is a Rome born, Milan-based director. He is the recipient of the “2015 Cannes Young Director Award” for his film “ The Rarest Ones.”
He has directed for: Mercedes, Coca-Cola, Michelin, Visa, Vodafone, Fiat, Pirelli, Reebok, Fox, Sky and collaborated with agencies including Saatchi & Saatchi, Havas, BBDO, DDB, JWT, Publicis, TBWA, Y&R, Venables Bell, M&C Saatchi.
A music aficionado, Saku has directed dozens of iconic music videos and is currently working on his first feature film. He’s also the creator and director of the tv series “Christian” (2022, Sky Original).
When not shooting in an exotic location, you’ll find Saku shooting on the basketball court.